Event Recording.
Interviews at the Cycle Showcase.
Recording of Presentations (the presentations were not video recorded but PDFs of the presentations are posted below)
Slides for Tor’s presentation, [PDF] Introduction, Sebastopol Bike Resources, brief history of bike infrastructure improvements and plans in Sebastopol
Sarah Hadler (Safe Routes to School) [PDF] Brookhaven MS, Parkside ES, and Sebastopol Charter School
Dana Turrey & Eleanor Leshner (Active Transportation Plan) [PDF]
Additional Links and Resources
Sonoma County Transportation Authority. Active Transportation Plan Update Resource Page – option for signing up for updates. interactive maps, surveys, Project lists.
Sonoma County Parks .[from Ken Tam 20230825]
Per the County General Plan, Regional Parks is responsible for developing and maintaining the off-street bike paths (aka Class I bike path or Class I shared use path). Sonoma County Transportation and Public Works Department (now known as Sonoma Public Infrastructure) is responsible for developing and maintaining the on-street bike paths such Class II bike lanes, Class III bike route, and Class IV bikeway.
With that said, the planned development of new off-street bike paths are listed in the Sonoma County Five Year Capital Improvement Plan 2022-2027. This document can be viewed and downloaded from the following web page https://sonomacounty.ca.gov/administrative-support-and-fiscal-services/sonoma-public-infrastructure-(formerly-gs)/capital-improvement-plan When you open the document, please go to page C3 which provides an overview of Regional Parks Department. The Parks projects start on page C10. I recommend that you do a word search for “trail” to find trail projects.
More planned off-street bike path projects are listed in 2010 County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan which can be viewed and downloaded from the following web page https://www.permitsonoma.com/longrangeplans/adoptedlong-rangeplans/bicycleandpedestrianplan
Bike Sebastopol – local citizen group advocating for a bike-friendly Sebastopol. Follow this link to learn more and join in.